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The Department of Missions and Evangelism

Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


Connecting The Gospel To Our Daily Lives

"teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you"

Matthew 28:20


The Department of Missions and Evangelism has, since its inception, been devoted primarily to the establishment of new mission parishes, and training for clergy to become proficient in the administration of the sacraments. It seems that the time has come for our Department to shift its focus to helping save the souls of our own parishioners who are in need of spiritual renewal. Given the present climate of intolerance or outright hostility toward the Christian Faith in our culture, and the ever-increasing decline in attendance and membership of virtually every Christian denomination in this country, “holding our own” is winning! Statistically, the Orthodox Church is one of only two Christian bodies in North America that is not in numerical decline, but our hierarchs are telling us that our parishes need healing and strengthening in order to avoid the same fate. One of the Metropolitan’s primary roles is to make sure the priest assigned to each parish in his oversight, presents the Orthodox Faith and preaches the Word of God, but neither he, nor the local diocesan bishop can be everywhere at the same time, and they don’t have the time to train them.  Many of the priests have not received adequate training in this area of homiletics while at seminary, and so there is a need to send preachers into these parishes, not only to bring our own people to repentance and spiritual renewal, but also to train and encourage these pastors who need help in becoming better preachers.  The Department of Missions and Evangelism proposes to effectively coordinate sending individuals or teams of preachers and teachers into these needy parishes with specific topics and materials to cover. Then, from a local environment of spiritual health and vitality, the Department could train, help, and encourage our parish clergy, readers, chanters, and lay leaders to promote Orthodox Christian evangelism, outreach, and charitable ministry in their communities, and begin new chapels and missions in nearby, ex-urban, and rural localities. In other words, the growth of the Church would be  stemming from within the life of a healthy parish, rather than depending upon interest and curiosity coming to us from outside the Church.

"He who does not know the truth cannot truly have faith; for by nature knowledge precedes faith. What is said in Scripture is said not solely for us to understand, but also for us to act upon." St. Hesychios the Priest​

The Dept. of Missions & Evangelism has produced an award-winning documentary about women who feel trapped or forced into abortion and those who are responding with help.


At the request of some clergy and youth workers, a discussion guide has been created.


Watch the series for free by clicking HERE.


The Mission of the Fellowship of St. Moses the Black is to equip Orthodox Christians for the ministry of Racial Reconciliation and to share the Orthodox Christian faith with African Americans and people of color.


Would you like to do something about racial reconciliation in your community?

  1. Start a book study at your church on "Race, Identity, & Reconciliation" by Nun Katherine Weston.

  2. Email the Dean of Chapters for guidance:

  3. Learn the difference between slogans, soundbites, and movements. For example, the difference between the BLM slogan and the BLM organization.







The Dept. of Missions & Evangelism has a range of guest speakers available to lead a spiritual retreat at your church. 


The Inner Heaven of Man is an exploration of the healing of the Mind, Heart, and Will according to St. Nicholai of Zica.


The Two Trees explores the fall, our own stumblings, and how to get back up.


The Sermon on the Mount takes us through one of the key teachings of Jesus and how that impacts our daily life.


Pioneers looks at "Jesus the pioneer" to teach us how to include our whole congregation in the life of the church and move beyond our core group.


Click HERE for more information.


Stories That Work

We all love good ideas. But more than that, how about good ideas that someone has tested? In "Stories That Work," Fr. Adam Lowell Roberts and Fr. Matthew Howell hosted two years of interviews showcasing ideas that have been tested and proven effective.


Click HERE for more information.


No Fail Meetings


Dn. Michael Hyatt was the president and CEO of Thomas Nelson before going on to create a Fortune 5000 company from scratch, Michael Hyatt & Co. In 2018 Dn. Hyatt released No Fail Meetings, a book which can help all of our parish councils improve the efficiency, energy, and effectiveness of their meetings.


St Nikolai of Zica (Velimirovic) (1880-1956) has been called the "Serbian Chrysostom" for his theological depth and golden-tongued eloquence. 


In this downloadable pdf file, you can cross reference St. Nikolai's homilies from the Prologue of Ohrid to the gospel/epistle of the day. 


Orthodox Dictionary


We have discovered many settings where the pastor would appreciate an opportunity to pass along an "Orthodox Dictionary" to onboard new volunteers and leaders in the congregation. We have developed this free PDF download to aid in that work. Send errors, omissions, and corrections through our contact form below.


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